Friday, October 16, 2009

World´s end

According to many prophecies, the human species is doomed. This has been predicted for centuries various prophets. Many of them believed that the world would end in 2000, but came that year and nothing happened. However, under the ominous portents of so many prophecies, we can not relax much. Climate change, the war against international terrorism and threats from the sky are some new horsemen of the apocalypse. Is there a glimmer of hope? Is it a myth? What awaits us in the short term?

The theory about the world order has emerged from different sources: the Mayan calendar and Nostradamus prophecies, with the addition that by that time will pass close to earth a comet.
I leave you with this video:


  1. Este artículo lo colgue en ingles aver si podeis leerlo...


  2. claro es fácil de entender y si no entendems algo con el traductor o el diccionario

  3. Muy bien por colgar tus entradas en inglés. Debemos acostumbrarnos a hacerlo. Bye.
