A reef of coral is a type of biotic reef that develops in tropical waters. They are solid structures of the relief of the sea bed formed(trained) predominantly by the development accumulated of stony corals.
Though the corals suppose most of the infrastructure and the mass of a reef of coral, the most responsible organisms(organisations) in the growth of the reef against the constant harassment of the oceanic waves are the calcareous algae, species(kinds) of red alga. The corals do not realize photosynthesis, but they live in a symbiotic relation with these microscopic algae that yes realize the photosynthesis, since(as,like) peridinios dinoflagelados (Zooxanthellae).
To guarantee the growth of the reef of coral a temperature of the water is needed of between(among) 20 and 28ºC. The reefs of coral.
Though the corals suppose most of the infrastructure and the mass of a reef of coral, the most responsible organisms(organisations) in the growth of the reef against the constant harassment of the oceanic waves are the calcareous algae, species(kinds) of red alga. The corals do not realize photosynthesis, but they live in a symbiotic relation with these microscopic algae that yes realize the photosynthesis, since(as,like) peridinios dinoflagelados (Zooxanthellae).
To guarantee the growth of the reef of coral a temperature of the water is needed of between(among) 20 and 28ºC. The reefs of coral.
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