It is a bird of the family of corvids, and is one of the most common birds in Europe to a height not exceeding 1500 meters. Emphasizes the magpie by iriscente black and white body, finished in a long line of metallic blue or green depending on how they affect the sun, measuring about 45 cm. long with a wingspan of 60 cm. It is virtually unmistakable to any other bird. The colors are distributed throughout your body follows the head, beak, tail and legs black. The chest and much of the wings are white. The tail and wings take on a metallic blue or green hue. Its head and beak has the characteristic form of the family that owned, small eyes and a straight bill and strong. It is also characterized by its long tail and staggered short, rounded wings, which makes its shape resembles that of the Azure-winged Magpie. No sexually dimorphic except for a greater bulk of the males. Her voice is a harsh rattling: Tcha Tcha Tcha Tcha Tcha.
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